The thought of launching a solo career as an online entrepreneur can come with a mix of heightened emotions. On one hand, you’re excited at the prospect of being your own boss and enjoying more income on a schedule you decide.
On the other, it’s a daunting path ahead of you – filled with uncertainty, a steep learning curve and risk of failure, even if you’ve done everything strategically to try to prevent that.
Most beginners claim they wish someone would just give them a blueprint of what to do in a step-by-step manner. They want guidance so that they don’t waste time veering off-course, or accidentally missing an important task.
So below, you’ll find the playbook you need to get started and ultimately master your role as a successful niche leader in the world of online marketing. We’ll cover everything that you have to consider and the tasks you need to implement as you break into this competitive career.
Just remember that your success is dependent upon you taking action. If you continue to sideline yourself in learning mode, you’ll remain stuck as others pass you by. Your audience is waiting for you to cater to their needs, if you’re ready and willing to serve them.
Calculate Your Online Income Needs and Expectations
As you can probably guess, when it comes to different opportunities online, they all have unique income potential. Not only do they vary in terms of how much you can earn, but they also range in how quickly they will pay off for you.
Some business models and niches will have slower growth over time, while others have the ability to pay you quickly. For example, if you were to pursue freelance service providing online, you might get a 50% deposit that very day.
It's always best to start this type of career when you are not coming from a place of desperation. If you are desperate to pay your bills, such as being at risk to lose your car or home, it's better to get a job offline to cover your expenses as you build up your online business.
Assuming that you are not in a desperate situation, you can take your time to analyze how much you would like to earn, how fast you need to achieve those goals, and how you want your work week and year to unfold.
The expectations you have to consider are not just financial. If you are in certain business models and arrangements, you may have more pressure and hours to devote then if you were in another business model that allowed for a more relaxed and casual approach.
Some people don't mind putting in 40 hours or more per week to build their online career. But if you are already working a job and just want to supplement your income, or if you are a senior citizen who is already retired, you may want to work less on your online business.
When you're thinking about the financial aspect of this career, don't go by the hyped up income claims that are seen on sales pages. While this type of income is possible, the part about it being a push button, overnight realization is not.
You want to set goals for yourself where you are aiming for your consistent $100 a day income, and grow from there. When done correctly, and when you put in consistent effort into your business, you should see your the profits snowball over the months and years to come.
There are certain drawbacks to different business models. For example, if you pursue a freelance service provider career online, you are trading hours for dollars. At some point, you will hit a ceiling of what the market is willing to pay for your services, and how many hours you have to do the work.
That doesn't mean you can't expand into other business models from that point on. But some business models, such as info product creation and affiliate marketing, have no set ceiling on your earnings because every new product or review that you create simply adds an asset to your business that will continue earning for you over time.
Many newbies like to ask questions like, “How much can I earn as an info product creator?” That's a hard question to answer because there are many factors that go into it.
For example, it will depend on what niche you select, how quickly you create your info products, what type of promotions you engage in, how well you recruit affiliates to promote for you, whether or not they are evergreen, whether you have a funnel of upsells, and more.
It is possible to earn six figures or more from the various business models that you will find that are most common for online entrepreneurs. Even a freelance service provider can easily earn six figures if they are doing it full time.
You might start off earning less in the beginning as you gain momentum securing customers and clients, building your brand, and improving your reach with your target audience.
Make Sure You Have These Four Things It Takes to Succeed
While the income potential and schedule opportunities can be a very attractive lure for many people into the business of online marketing, you still have to make sure you have what it takes to succeed as an entrepreneur.
There are four basic or fundamental elements that will help ensure your success.
The first is time. It's not just a matter of whether or not you have the available hours, but if you are capable of managing your time properly.
We will talk about how to devise a schedule that is perfect for your productivity as well as learning and implementing strategies to help build your business later. But in this case, we're talking about your ability to approach your business in a mature way and eliminate distractions and work even when you don't necessarily feel like it.
People who come into this business because they are sick of a traditional workplace and being told when to show up and how long to work sometimes go to the extreme opposite in their own business, binge watching shows all day or playing video games and neglecting their responsibilities as an entrepreneur.
Not only do you need to manage your time properly for yourself in order to have a successful business, but you're taking on the responsibility of guiding a niche audience, and they expect you to show up and serve their needs on a consistent basis.
It doesn't mean you have to have a set schedule of 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM every day, five days a week. You can still set your own schedule, and work when you want to – as long as you are the kind of person who can make yourself get the work done.
The second thing you need to have is a support system surrounding you. Sometimes, people are all alone and they don't have a family or friends who are there to boost them up when they are starting this type of endeavor.
And that's fine. But what you don't want is to be surrounded by negative voices that are telling you that you don't have what it takes, balking at your belief in yourself to succeed as an entrepreneur, or generally beating you down when what you really need is support and acknowledgement for your efforts.
Ideally, you want to have an open and honest conversation with your spouse and your children about what it is you will be doing, when you need to be free of distractions, and how they can support you in this business.
If you are surrounded by friends and family who think they're being well meaning with their constructive criticism, you can always put some distance between yourself and their opinions by simply refusing to discuss it with them.
The third thing you want to make sure that you have before starting this type of journey is the motivation to get you through any slumps that you will experience along the way. This is a career that is filled with moments of indecision, errors, embarrassment, and the other uncomfortable feelings.
You have to be the type of person who can face this type of obstacle and overcome it or get past it so that you can move forward in your quest for success. Every single successful online entrepreneur has had setbacks and failures, even if they don't openly discuss them online.
And lastly, you need some sort of skills that will allow you to earn money with their business model. There's no set technical skill that you need, since everything is taught online from my beginner perspective.
But you do need some sort of skill, whether it is written content creation skills, the ability to record videos with or without you on the screen, graphics design skills, research skills, networking skills, brainstorming skills, etc.
The skills you need don't have to be at any type of professional level where you have to go get a degree or certification. You just need to have the determination and ability to learn how to do something and get good at it.
Choose a Business Model That Will Deliver for Your Goals
The next thing you have to do is choose a business model that is going to deliver for you in terms of the hours you want to work, the type of work that you want to do and enjoy doing, and the income potential it will provide for you.
Just to make SURE you understand what all you will need, see these three basics I've outlined at Although they may seem basic, sometimes you might overlook one or the other as you work out your business plan.
We're going to cover several different common business models that are perfect for newbies to get started with. You can start with one and add on different business models as time goes on.
But it's best not to start with several different ones all at once, because you'll be spreading your efforts thin and not gaining as much traction. First, let's talk about becoming a freelance service provider.
This is a popular newbie business model because it allows you to hit the ground running working for other people who already have a successful business. You will be filling a need for them because they don't have the time or talent to do the work themselves.
You can start your own site as a freelance service provider, but many people prefer to sign up on a site like Fiverr or Upwork and find clients to connect with there. As a freelance service provider, you can work as a virtual assistant doing tasks for the client such as posting to their blog or answering customer service emails.
You can also work as a ghostwriter for the client, creating their blog posts, email autoresponders, info products, and more. Or, you can work as a freelancer who designs graphics and videos for their clients.
If you're working on a third party site, they will put the money in escrow that will protect both yourself and the client until the work is delivered to the satisfaction of the client. You will create a profile and a portfolio that showcases your talent and abilities and then bid on projects as you see the ones you want to take on.
This is a job that has immediate income potential, and fast growth. However, time will be your primary issue. you have to make sure you adhere to the timeframe that the client has asked for so that you are not late in your deliverables.
Affiliate marketing is another newbie friendly business model. As an affiliate marketer, you don't have to create anything for anyone other than reviews. You don't have to go through the process of creating products, you're simply analyzing products that are already on the market as digital or tangible items, and telling your readers whether or not you feel it's a smart purchase.
Affiliate marketing is something where you will have snowball income potential. If you are promoting digital products on sites like Warrior Plus or JVZoo, you can get paid more quickly than if you are promoting tangible products on sites like Amazon, where you will have a 60 day delay in your payment.
Info product creators have the ability to rake in a lot of money with their very first launch, when it's done correctly. This is a business model that is more intimidating to newbies, because they almost feel as if they are too new and unknown to put themselves out there as a niche leader.
However, if you have information that can help people, they don't care how long you have declared yourself an online entrepreneur. Product creation timing is different for everyone.
Some people can do it in less than a day, and others take months. You also have to think of other elements that are involved in a product launch, such as setting up your sales page, your joint venture (JV) page for affiliates, recruiting the affiliates, creating your listings, and more.
Third party product sellers – such as those who do FBA (Fulfilled By Amazon) and dropshipping – have a gift for researching and finding products that they can buy in bulk and mark up for sale on Amazon, or find being sold by another company and serve as the middleman who takes the money (including a markup) as a dropshipper and then having the company ship it to the customer directly.
Printables designing is a popular online career now. If you have a knack for being artistic and creative, you might want to design and upload printable or digital items to sites like Etsy that people can download and use in their life.
These include things like weight loss trackers, wall art, homeschool worksheets, Party invitations, and more. Etsy isn't the only place you can sell these. Many people are also selling them on Shopify and elsewhere.
Private label rights sellers have the ability to earn money both with product launches as well as by putting their products on a store that will bring in residual, passive profits. If you are good at creating written content, images, or videos you can put together packs of content that other marketers can use as their own.
The difference between private label rights (PLR) and ghostwriting is that ghostwritten content is only sold to one customer, while PLR is sold to multiple customers, so you can earn more with this type of product.
Influencers and social content creators have emerged as some of the biggest earners when it comes to online entrepreneurs. You don't have to be a model or famous to be an influencer or social content creator.
All you need is the ability to share good information about a niche topic, and develop a loyal following that wants to hear about it. Influencers and social content creators make money from the platforms’ content creator funds, where they pay you for the number of followers and views that you have whenever you create new content – as well as from brand deals and direct payments from their followers who appreciate their content.
Bloggers have many different ways to make money. While some bloggers take on a specific business model like affiliate marketing, you can add advertising in the mix and earn money whenever someone clicks on an ad that is strategically placed on your blog using a service like Google AdSense.
Carve Out Regular Time for Learning and Implementing Strategies
Earlier, we talked about time management and the ability to devote yourself to your business without allowing distractions or a lazy mindset to infiltrate your efforts and put an end to your success early on.
Now we're going to get into what you need to devote your time to. Later, we'll talk about your actual productivity tasks. But for now, let's talk about investing some time into learning and implementing new strategies.
This is one thing many newbies fail to account for. There is a steep learning curve when you become an online entrepreneur because you are the only person that is doing all of the tasks in your business.
Not only do you have to account for all of the technical things you have to learn, such as launching your own website and building the pages on it or running and operating your email autoresponder system, but you also have to spend time learning how to use various online tools that you may use as well as learning about your niche.
There are also numerous strategies that are constantly emerging that you need to spend time absorbing and testing in your own business. For example, when short form video exploded on TikTok and elsewhere, people had to learn how to cram enough information into less than 30 seconds and have an impact on their business.
Or, Google may come up with a new SEO update that threatens to bury your site in the search engine results pages (SERPs), and you will have to learn what it is they want you to do or change and then implement those measures on your website.
Not everyone has the same amount of time to devote to their business each day. If you are in this full time, you may want to devote an entire hour each day just to learning this type of information.
But even if you don't have as much time, you need to spend at least 10 minutes per day immersing yourself in the learning process so that you can stay ahead of the curve and beat the competition who is not going to the effort of staying informed.
Take time to learn new strategies, master the tools that are available to you online (not just use the basic features), and engage in deep dive research of your niche so that you can be the kind of cutting edge leader that people turn to for information.
Some people even schedule time in their day to study motivation and confidence building strategies. This type of success and leadership information can push you to the next level of earners if you do it consistently, and it can even be done by listening to an audiobook while you’re multitasking – working out or mowing the lawn, for example.
Pinpoint a Profitable Niche You Can Successfully Lead
The next step in your journey as an online entrepreneur is to pick a niche that will be profitable and that you can lead successfully. Many people prioritize the profit potential of a niche above all other factors.
This is an important aspect of the niche you choose, but it's not the only one period for example, car insurance is a popular niche for ad revenue, but you may have zero interest in writing content about it.
You want to select a niche that you will not only know a lot about or have fun learning about, but feel comfortable sharing your insight with a hungry audience. Many people pick a niche that is rooted in some sort of hobby or interest that they have, or experience that they have gained in another career.
There are many newbies who fret too much about whether or not a niche is saturated with competition. This is really not as much of a concern as you may believe it is. There is plenty of room for new competitors in any niche.
All niche topics have a large number of long tail keywords that you can use to break into the search engine results pages. There's also the fact that consumers like to follow many different people for a topic, and not just one or two people.
Try to select something that you will want to be in for many years to come. It can be something you already have experience and knowledge about, or something you are very excited to learn and share with others.
Some of the most popular topics for online entrepreneurs include things like weight loss, health, success, stress relief, anti aging, pets, cooking, fashion, home decor, lawn and garden, and more.
Your main decision when finding a niche is going to be how broad or how narrow you want it to be. For example, if you want to be in the health niche, you don't want to target health as an entirety.
You might decide that you want to go into the diabetes niche or heart health niche instead. Drill down until you feel like you have a niche that is big enough for you to succeed in, but small enough that you won’t have a hard time ever ranking your site for any information.
In terms of profitability, it will depend on what business model you choose. You can select niches that give you potential for affiliate promotions, info product creations, PLR, printables and more.
Get Your Fundamental Research Completed
Research is something you need to do for your niche and business model early on. This is also something that you will be doing regularly, as time goes on. Whether you are working as a freelance service provider, a dropshipper, an info product creator, or an affiliate marketer (to name a few), researching is an ongoing process.
There are different ways online entrepreneurs conduct their research. First and foremost, keyword tools will be utilized heavily in this business. It will tell you how consumers are searching for whatever it is you are selling or writing about.
It will give you ideas into the different ways that people word their searches. You will get to drill down and find the long tail keywords that are serving as the low hanging fruit you can utilize for easy profits.
Keywords are something you will be researching so that you can use in your content, for the selection of your domain name, as hashtags in your social media content, for product ideas, and more.
You can start out with free keyword tools (even using Google and letting it autofill) and then level up to paid keyword tools that give you tons of information such as volume of searches and how much competition there is for ranking it.
But keyword tools aren’t the only form of research you can use. For your niche and target audience, look in online forums and on social media platforms to see what the demographic is discussing.
You can also look on various websites and news sites to see what breaking information is being published or what trends are evolving that your readers will want to know about. Most news sites have categories for topics like health, lifestyle, and other information – and you can simply conduct a search for your niche keywords and click on the Google “News” tab as well.
Set Up Your Official Business Entity and Online Accounts
After doing all of your preliminary research and decision making, the next step will be to set up your official business entity and all of your online accounts. For your business entity, you can either use your real name or choose a business name and use it as a DBA (Doing Business As).
Some people prefer to set up an LLC (Limited Liability Company) and others go straight into the setup of an S corporation. The reason you want to have all of this set up in the beginning is so that you can connect it with your payment processors and get it ready for all of your tax information so that it is not merged with your personal income and spending.
After you set this up, you want to go online and stake claim to all of the accounts that you need to have period this will include a domain name – a URL of the words or phrases you want to represent your brand online as well as any of the social media profile account names you want on various platforms.
Ideally, before you select your official name for your brand, you will go online and make sure that the URL is available as a dot com domain and that all of your brand account names are available on social media platforms.
Even if you don't plan to start with certain ones in the beginning, you want to go ahead and claim them. For example, make sure you have available account name profiles on YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook Pages and Groups, etc.
Even if you don't want to use them at all, you don't want someone else to claim the profile and be using it in an attempt to pass themselves off as your brand because they may do damage to your online reputation.
Get your payment processors set up through PayPal and Stripe or wherever else you want to register. Set up accounts on Amazon, Warrior Plus, ClickBank, Share-a-Sale, commission Junction, JVZoo and anywhere else you plan to be.
Get Your Tools Registered and Ready for Use
After your business entity and accounts are set up online, you want to think about the tools that you will be needing for your business, and get registered to use these or download them to your computer so that they are set up and ready for you to master.
Some of the tools you may be using include page building tools, keyword tools, search engine optimization tools, plugins that do a variety of things on your WordPress site, graphic design tools, video editing tools, and more.
Don't just buy anything and everything that other marketers recommend because they want to get a commission on it. Think carefully about which tools will best serve your needs in helping you earn a living online.
If you are on a strict budget in the very beginning, you may want to look for freeware versions or inexpensive versions before you invest in something more top of the line. For example, if you are going to be producing videos to sell as private label rights or as a service to clients, you may want a video editing software.
If you have the money, you can start out with something many marketers use like Camtasia. but if you don't have the funds yet, you might want to start out with the freeware version called CamStudio.
There are other tools like Canva where you can invest in a professional version, or you can keep the free version, paying to unlock certain elements as you go. For example, if you are designing a graphic using the free account, and you come across an icon that is locked, you can pay to unlock that one icon that you need.
Spend some time making sure that you know how to use the tools and services that you are signing up for. You don't want to be spending money on something, only to avoid using it because you haven't devoted anytime to learning about the features and usage.
Devise a Schedule for Productivity
The next thing you want to do is set up a schedule for productivity. We've talked about time management in terms of eliminating distractions and making sure you're motivated as well as setting aside time for the learning and implementing process of strategies.
But another thing you have to take into consideration regarding time is making sure you are on a set schedule to actively cross items off of your to do list. The tasks that you will be doing will vary depending on the business model that you have chosen.
It helps if you go through the entire process one time and map out all of the individual tasks in detail so that you know exactly what has to be done from start to finish. You can also keep track of the time involved in each step so that you can set up a schedule to get everything done in a timely manner.
Once you have an idea of how much time each step takes, you can lump some of the tasks together into a daily productivity sheet that unfolds in a logical manner. This will help you in scheduling deliverables for clients or in setting a launch date for a product.
It helps keep you on schedule for productivity and profits, even if you have no one to answer to such as affiliates or clients. You can set in a buffer of time to your schedule so that in case an emergency arises, or if you feel ill, you are able to take that time off without increasing your stress levels.
Begin the Strategic Networking Process
The next step you need to do in your online entrepreneurial journey is to start the networking process. This is a very strategic part of your success that many people tend to overlook.
Networking is something that can help grow your brand in many different ways. For example, you can create partnerships or collaborations with other online entrepreneurs and companies that will bring more exposure to your products and services.
But it also allows you to connect with individuals who may have insight or information that can help you. If you have a question about a strategy or what the best tool is, you can reach out to people that you are networking with and get their trusted insight.
You want to network with people who have a good reputation online. If you start aligning yourself with people who are known for being spammy or taking advantage of their customers, that reputation will rub off on you eventually.
You want to network with people who have knowledge that you may need now or in the future. And do you want to connect with people who might serve as good partners in a situations such as a giveaway event or webinar in the future.
You also want to begin networking with people who can serve as an affiliate for you if you decide to launch an info product of your own. Even competitors who may not promote for you might give you a mention or simply be seen interacting with you online, which can help build trust between you and your target audience.
Set Up Your List Building and Email Marketing System
The next step you want to undertake is getting your email subscriber list set up. Email marketing is a great element of success for many different business models. Having a list allows you to immediately communicate with your target audience whenever you want to promote or sell something, alert them about something important, etc.
To get started, you need to come up with a free gift or idea that you can use to convince people to hand over their name and email address as a subscriber. It needs to be something tempting that hits on a pain point or that they feel will help them achieve a goal in their life.
Your lead magnet can be anything of value such as an eBook, video course, email series, access to a membership, cheat sheet, checklist, etc. It might even be a recording of an interview that you created between yourself and another leading expert.
Once you have your lead magnet ready, you can set up a landing page that you will use to drive traffic to. You will have minimal sales copy on this page that includes a headline, bullet points, and the opt in form.
Before you begin driving traffic to the page, you have to set up your autoresponder system. Choose a reliable system that has a good reputation for deliverability. You don't want to go with a system that has been created by a spammy marketer, who allows unethical behavior on there system that results in your emails not being able to get through to your subscribers.
Most of the autoresponder systems have an allowance where you can house up to 500 subscribers at no cost before they begin charging you for use. Look into autoresponders such as AWeber, GetResponse, and MailChimp.
Once you set up your account on their system, you'll want to create a list to build subscribers on and your initial welcome email that will deliver the free gift that you promised whenever they signed up.
You can schedule emails to drip out to your readers ahead of time, or send emails on the fly. Make sure that as part of your learning process, you take time to go through the knowledge bank or frequently asked questions and learn how to use the system and all of its features.
Create Content That Will Represent Your Brand for Success
One of the most important steps that you will be undertaking as an online entrepreneur is content creation. This is what will showcase your knowledge and insight to your target audience.
Content can be free or paid and in many different formats. You might have free blog posts that are shown to anyone who visits, and you might have gated content or info products that are sold to a paying audience.
Your content can be created in text, video, audio, and images. The first thing you want to do is start with whatever you feel most comfortable with and whatever you're good at. If you are a horrible writer, then you may want to start with video or use a tool like Grammarly to clean up your content.
What you don't want to do in most cases is stick with only one media format. In today's world, people have preferences and you want to be able to cater to those who like to learn in a variety of styles.
Even with video, you're going to have those who want to learn in long videos that are 20 to 60 minute batches, and those who have a shorter attention span and don't like anything over 3 minutes max.
The content that you create can be used on your blog, in your email autoresponders, on social media platforms, and then the products that you sell or gift to your audience. content creation is something that you have to do on a regular basis and across many different platforms.
Start Working Smarter, Not Harder
As you can see, there are many different tasks you have to adopt and embrace as an online entrepreneur. This can become very overwhelming quickly. Therefore, you want to learn how to work smarter, not harder.
There are different ways you can do this. For example, once you create one piece of content for your blog, you can repurpose that content in many different ways. You can turn a text blog piece into a transcript that you use to create a video for YouTube.
You can turn the main points of your blog post into an infographic that you can share on Pinterest and elsewhere. Repurposing your content is not just about changing the media format, but also in how and why you are using it.
For example, you might have a series of emails that you sent to your list that you can turn into blog posts or share on social media instead. You can use content that was on your blog and turn it into a report that you use as a lead magnet to build a list.
Another way you can shortcut your success is to start creating templates that will allow you to be creative in a shorter period of time. For example, if you are creating printables to sell on Etsy, you can create a template and then change out the images and quotations quickly and easily.
You can also save time and effort by creating checklists or cheat sheets that walk you through a process so that you don't forget a step and have to go back and fill in the gaps anywhere.
Determine What You Can Reinvest Into Your Business Needs
As time goes on, you need to start figuring out how you can reinvest some of your profits into your business to help with growth. There are different ways you can do this, and you can start out small and pour more money into it the more your profits explode.
Many people like to start with delegating or outsourcing the tasks that they are either not good at or don't enjoy. For example, if you are choosing to start with info product creation, and you know your eBook covers are atrocious, you may want to spend a little money outsourcing to someone who knows how to make something that looks professional.
You might also want to spend a little more on the graphics that you are using, such as using stock images from a paid stock site rather than using free ones. If you are not good at or don't enjoy writing all of the content that you have to create for your online business, that's another place that you can spend money outsourcing to someone who does that kind of work.
You don't always have to pay for services, either. In some instances, you might be able to purchase things like private label rights that serve as ready made content for you to tweak, edit and use as your own.
This is perfect for those who are short on time, and who know exactly what kind of content they want. You can personalize it with ease and use it on your blog, in your emails, as an info product, etc.
Master Your Ability to Read and Respond to What Your Analytics Show
Your business will be thriving at some point, but before it achieves a level that you are hoping for, you want to learn how to read and take action on whatever your analytics are showing.
Analytics are available to you for your domain under your hosting account, on the platforms you are using to sell products, and even with your email autoresponder systems.
It's a direct reflection on how your content is performing. Whether it's a blog post that people are quickly bouncing away from or a sales letter that is not converting well for you – or even an email that didn't get very many clicks to open it, you want to know what's performing well and what's performing poorly for you so that you can do more of what works and less of what doesn't.
Some of the tools will even show you exactly how your blog posts are ranking, how quickly the pages are loading, and other elements that can make or break your online success.
It's important that you set aside time to go over your analytics on a regular basis. But don't just look at the data and keep doing the same thing period instead, be strategic with your analysis and think of how you can tweak one thing at a time to see if it will improve the outcome.
That may mean you are using different power words on your sales copy, a new call to action in your content, or even changing up the graphics and color palettes along the way to see what your visitors respond best to.
Make Plans for Expansion and Profit Building When Ready
Lastly, every good online entrepreneur needs to make plans for future expansion and profit building whenever you are ready. You don't want to wait too far into the future to take this step.
It's best to have an idea of what direction you might want to be heading so that you can pay attention to strategies and trends with that business model or niche. You might be able to spot a pattern or identify the perfect time to jump in and grow your business.
You might simply want to expand and grow your business by doing more of the same. You might bring on a team who can help you create more content or products. Or, you might make the decision to go full time with this career if you started out as a part time entrepreneur.
You might want to tap into another business model if you see that it makes sense. For example, if you started out as an affiliate marketer, but you see a need for an info product that you feel confident you can create, you can take that route, too.
You might even take your info product creation to the next level and offer a coaching program for those who want to pay high ticket prices for individualized attention. You might be able to do less work and earn more by doing this.
And you can even go into additional niches if you develop other interests or if you identify a niche topic that complements your original topic nicely, and would make a great segue into that subject matter for your same target audience.
Getting started as an online entrepreneur is an exciting process that is best approached with a level head and a sense of organization and determination. You want to manage your time properly and push yourself to learn and attempt new things so that you set yourself apart as a competitor that your target audience is eager to pay attention to.
If I can help you with any of your marketing tactics, let me know!
(703) 203-4648
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