How to Use AI to Discover 20 Types of Keywords You Can Use in 10 or More Ways in Your Online Business to Beat the Competition and Get Discovered By Your Target Audience!

Keyword Research AI Prompting for Marketers

If you’re an online entrepreneur, chances are you’ve built a list of basic keywords you choose to integrate into your content – even if it’s just something you mentally check off as you’re creating it.

But if you truly want to improve the consumer’s ability to discover your brand and edge out the competition with your content, you need to master the keyword research process and learn how they can really be utilized in different areas of your business.

There are at least 20 different types of keywords you can uncover, but this can be tedious for most busy marketers to do on their own. That’s why you should learn how to use artificial intelligence (AI) tools like ChatGPT to do the work for you.

Not only can it quicken the process and gather more diverse keywords for you to use that you may not have considered, but there are at least 10 different ways it can help you use them in your business, too.

To help you keep track of what you are reading below, I've italicized AI prompt-related content below.  And bolded potential responses listed if you use the prompt shown.

Below, we’re going to go over each of the 20 types of keywords and for each one, you’ll get a quick lesson on what they mean, how to prompt AI to get it to gather them for you, and a couple of examples for how you can put them to good use in your online endeavors.

Primary Keywords

Primary keywords are the main keyword you’re targeting whenever you create content. Every piece of content has both primary and secondary keywords that relate to the main topic you’re discussing.

With most primary keywords, you’re going to see a higher search volume because marketers focus on words and phrases that will bring in more traffic and sales. Of course, this means more competition, too.

Whenever you’re engaged in the content creation process, you have to know how to prompt AI to brainstorm your primary keywords. To get the best results, make sure you’re clear and specific about what you’re promoting and who your target audience it.

If you’re in a particular niche, add that – and any other context that will help elevate the results. You might even have it gather phrases based on a competitive analysis. For each of the twenty types of keywords, I’m going to share two examples with you of prompts – one in the online marketing niche and the other in the health niche.

For primary keywords, you might prompt AI like this: “Give me a list of primary keywords in online marketing, focusing on content strategy.” This list might include primary keywords like content marketing, content creation, content calendar, etc.

A health example prompt might read something like this: “Generate a list of primary keywords frequently used in the health niche that have to do with senior nutrition.” The results of this one might include senior nutrition, elderly diet, geriatric nutrition, senior meal planning, age-related nutrition, and more.

Using primary keywords in your online business will be varied by tasks, but here are a couple of examples: You can use primary keywords for domain URL research, focusing on the main topic of your site.

You might also use it for a variety of SEO (search engine optimization) features – from the title of a blog post to the meta descriptions and alt tags, woven throughout the body of the content, and so on.

Secondary Keywords

Secondary keywords are those which complement the original keyword by expanding upon the original concept. They give supporting indicators of what the user is specifically looking for, adding depth to the query.

You’ll generally have fewer searches, and less competition – but they’re a critical component of keyword use because it identifies the proper content for the user, improving relevancy.

When prompting AI for secondary keywords, make sure you ask for words that reveal more details about the primary keywords. This is a great prompt to use with user intent instructions.

So for this type of keyword list, you might prompt AI like this for online marketing: “Provide a list of secondary keywords that support the primary keyword social media marketing with a focus on engagement strategies.”

This will result in phrases such as social media engagement, audience interaction, engagement metrics, user engagement strategies, community building on social media, and more.

For the health niche you might prompt AI like this: “I need a list of secondary keywords for the primary keyword phrase heart health. Please include terms associated with holistic approaches, nutrition, and stress management.”

This will result in phrases such as: heart health diet, holistic heart health, cardiovascular wellness, stress reduction techniques, nutritional heart support, heart healthy lifestyle, heart-healthy foods and so on.

Once you have AI help you gather your secondary keywords, you can use them in different areas of your business such as within the hashtags you employ on social media posts, or in the PPC campaigns you use within search or social paid ads.

By using secondary keywords, you can expand your reach and capture the attention of a wider audience as well as reduce your costs with paid ads while simultaneously increasing conversions.

Long-Tail Keywords

When it comes to long-tail keyword phrases, these are popular among marketers looking to rapidly gain more organic traffic because they’re easy to rank for and if you have enough of them ranking well, it can add up to something significant.

These phrases are very specific, longer and detailed than primary or even in some cases, secondary keywords. They usually have 3 or more words in them, and the longer they are, the easier you’ll be able to rank for it.

Prompting for these means being specific. You can’t just ask for health keywords, because it will usually do short phrases. Instead, add details about your topic and ask for user intent and niche specific wording.

You can also ask AI to combine and expand keywords. So if you had a primary or secondary keyword phrase, you could ask for long-tail phrases based off of those. To prompt AI for long-tail keyword phrases, you can use something like this: “Give me a list of long-tail keywords related to email marketing campaigns with a focus on conversion optimization.”

You’ll get responses that include phrases like: email marketing A/B testing for conversions, segmented email lists for conversion rate improvement, email click-through rate optimization, etc.

For the health niche, you can prompt for long-tail keywords like this: “Generate a list of long-tail keywords associated with strength training for beginners and include terms focused on equipment, bodyweight, and benefits.”

You’ll end up with phrases like: beginner strength training with kettlebells, bodyweight strength training benefits for seniors, beginner strength training with dumbbells, beginner strength training routine with resistance bands, etc.

Once you have the list, use these long-tail keyword phrases in your blog content to get those pages ranked at the top of the SERPs (search engine results pages). Not only can it be woven into the content, but the phrases themselves give you topic ideas to cover on your blog.

You can also use them as ways to personalize your email marketing content. It might give you ideas on how to segment your list and then create content just for that audience, such as by an age group or level of experience.

Short-Tail Keywords

Short-tail keywords, on the opposite end of the spectrum, are more concise keywords of one or two words total. Broad keywords like this have a lot of competition and are hard to rank for or get a domain for – but they still need to be used in your online business.

Examples of short-tail keywords might include things like health, marketing, fitness, dog training, anti-aging, and so on. You don’t have as much detail about what the user wants from these types of keywords.

When prompting AI for short-tail keywords, you need to specify that you want broad, short keywords – otherwise it will often give you longer phrases. You might even go so far as to ask for keywords that are high volume, high competition – and put a limit on it to two words, maximum.

So you might prompt AI like this: “Prepare a list of short-tail keywords that are broadly relevant to online marketing, such as SEO or social marketing.” In addition to the ones mentioned, you’ll get others like content marketing, email marketing, PPC advertising, digital marketing, etc.

For the health niche, you might prompt it with: “Give me a list of high volume, high competition keywords with 1-2 words, max that are used for the topic of mental health.” The words it returns will be things like depression, anxiety, therapy, counseling, mental wellness, emotional health, and so on.

Once you have these words and phrases, put them to use in your digital content, such as within your video marketing titles and descriptions as well as tags. You can also use them in e-commerce within product descriptions and listings where users might search for them on the site.

LSI Keywords

LSI keywords, or latent semantic indexing keywords, are words and phrases related to the primary keyword you’re targeting. They’re not synonyms or other ways of saying it, but rather, linked somehow in a way that helps the search engine understand more about the core topic.

When prompting for LSI keywords, you want to ask for related keywords with contextual relevancy. It can scrape and analyze other top ranking content for that primary phrase and identify the best LSI terms for you to use.

You can also ask AI to map out the relationship between the original keyword and the semantic ones so that you understand how they relate better. So you might prompt AI like this: “Give me a list of LSI keywords related to the phrase social marketing. Focus on semantically related terms that include aspects like strategy, engagement and use of media formats.”

This will result in LSI keywords such as: engagement tactics, influencer marketing, social media analytics, visual content strategy, social media trends, user-generated content, etc.

For the health niche, you might prompt it like this: “Provide a list of LSI keywords associated with the concept of healthy eating. Include contextual related terms such as diet plans, organic food choices, etc.”

The result will be a list that includes phrases like: balanced nutrition, clean eating, nutrient-dense foods, healthy meal planning, whole foods diet, plant-based eating, organic food options, and so on.

With your list of LSI keywords in hand, start using them in your business such as within the SEO of your website – the titles, meta descriptions, body of the content and more. This makes the post more appealing to people and search bots alike.

Or, you can create a user-generated content campaign for your brand and encourage people to use one of the LSI keyword phrases so that you have a varied result and gain more exposure.

Geo-Targeted Keywords

Geo-targeted keywords won’t always be relevant to your needs, but in many cases, they are. This is a type of keyword rooted in location, so if you have a need for local SEO, you’ll be using AI to uncover geo-targeted keywords.

If you are creating a list with AI for geo-targeted keywords, make sure you include specific location data – whether it’s as broad as a country or continent – or as narrow as a specific zip code.

Online entrepreneurs don’t usually need extremely local keywords, but they do market based on country location to different audiences. The keywords may change because the language and little sayings will be altered.

There’s even a regional difference in America and from state to state. You might tell AI in your prompt what your product or service is and then ask it for geo-targeted keywords mapped out by geographic location.

So you might prompt like this: “Give me a list of geo-targeted keywords for privacy laws in America versus geo-targeted keywords in the UK.” You might find that Americans are looking up data privacy regulations, while the UK is looking for GDPR compliance checklist.

Health terminology is likely more varied between locations. “Give me geo-targeted list of keywords for nutritional health with a list for America, a list for the UK, and a list for Australia showing the different terminology used between countries.”

So it might tell you that American search for meal prep while UK people search for food prep or meal planning. Or, it might say Americans look up high-fiber foods, while Australians look up fibre-rich diet, spelled differently. Americans also track weight in pounds while other countries will use kilos.

When you have your geo-targeted keywords, use them for optimizing any local business domains you may have. Or, zero in on a social media audience by choosing to use these on social platforms to tie it into a trend.

Buyer Intent Keywords

One of the most precious keywords you can cultivate for use in your business online is buyer intent keywords. These put you right into the mind of the consumer, showing you the signals of when someone is ready to spend money.

It sets apart the casual web surfer from the person who is looking to make a purchase now. Buyer intent keywords include verbiage like buy, deal, discount, review, for sale, and so on.

When prompting AI for these keywords, you want it to use data patterns where it resulted in a transaction. You can tailor it for your niche or industry, a certain demographic, etc.

You might prompt AI like this for buyer intent keywords for online marketing: “Provide me with a list of buyer intent keywords for page building tools and services. Focus on terms that indicate a readiness to buy.”

You’ll get phrases such as: best page builder for ecommerce, affordable website builder, purchase landing page builder, buy website builder with hosting, website builder for beginners reviews, etc.

In the health niche, you might ask it like this: “Can you generate a list of buyer-intent keywords related to fitness products that are for a home gym?” The results for this query might be things like: best home gym equipment to buy, affordable fitness products for home use, home gym flooring for sale, and so on.

After you accumulate a list of buyer intent keywords from AI, you can use them in a variety of ways such as within your PPC campaigns. It's a good idea to use buyer intent keywords whenever you are paying for advertising rather than to target informational or navigational keywords.

Another way you may want to use buyer intent keywords is in the product descriptions and listings that you have for various products and services or even those that you are promoting as an affiliate marketer.

Navigational Keywords

Navigational keywords are no location-specific like geo targeted keywords. Instead, they’re based on users trying to reach a certain page online, like a page for customer service, for pricing, etc.

It might be someone trying to find a page for a topic they need. For example, they may be looking for a brand or type of product so they use navigational wording to find it. When prompting for these, you can include brand names, product types, and more.

Prompt AI like this: “Give me a list of navigational keywords people might use when looking for SEO services online?” The results might be: SEO company pricing, search engine optimization firms, or SEO services for small businesses.

For the health niche, it might look like this: “Provide me with a list of navigational keywords used by individuals looking for specific health-related websites.” Initially, it may give you specific branded websites.

You can redirect or re-prompt AI like this: “Replace this with a list of navigational keywords used by individuals looking for specific health related websites that are not branded.”

That gives you a more generic list of navigational keyword phrases such as: medical information websites, health news websites, online health resources, health research sites, medical journals online, and so on.

When you have your list created by AI, you can use it in a variety of ways. For example, you might use it in the search engine optimization for your website’s content. If you have a health site, you'll want to use these navigational keyword phrases so that when people search for them, your domain is one that will pop up.

You can also use it whenever you are sending out emails to your subscribers. Pairing it with your brand name, if they have signed up to learn more from you, you can use subject lines such as: “Increase Your Online Success with SEO for Small Businesses!”

Informational Keywords

Information keywords are the perfect opportunity for you to showcase your expertise to people looking up information about your niche topic online. These are the people looking up the who, what, when, where, why and how of a subject so they better understand it.

The great thing about this is that while they want some preliminary information for free, they often go on to buy more in depth courses and services. Your free content in the form of guides and tutorials is going to give them a taste of what you have to offer, but you need Ai to tell you how they’re searching first.

Prompting for AI to consider questions asked by your core audience is a good idea. You also want it to conduct a gap analysis to see where they’re struggling to find good information.

So you might prompt AI like this: “Provide a list of informational keywords about low content publishing and focus on question-based queries commonly asked by an audience who wants to learn more about this business model.”

Your results will be many long-tail phrases you can easily rank from including: what platforms are best for low content publishing, how do I create low content books without writing, how do I scale a low content publishing business?

For the health niche, your prompt might say: “Create a list of informational keywords people might use when seeking health-related information about inflammation.” Your results here would be things like: causes of chronic inflammation, managing inflammation through lifestyle, and what is inflammation in the body?

When AI delivers your informational keyword list, you can take those and use them in your blog as the title to encourage click throughs from social media and search engines. You can also use them in places such as video marketing showing that you have educational content that is going to educate your viewers on the topic.

Top of Form – Transactional Keywords

When it comes to transactional keywords, these are searches being used by people who are ready to convert in some way. It may be a purchase, but not necessarily. It can also be subscribing to something in a trial, for example.

AI will go off of consumer behavior and make predictions about what they need to make the conversion happen. So your prompt might be something like this: “Give me a list of transactional keywords that show someone is ready to sign up to an email autoresponder.”

These might be things like: create autoresponder account, autoresponder registration sign up, sign up for email marketing automation, autoresponder sign-up trial, join email autoresponder platform, etc.

For the health niche, it might be like this: “Give me a list of transactional keywords related to health services and digital products.” These results would include phrases such as: book a health consultation, schedule a telehealth appointment, request a health insurance quote, subscribe to a wellness newsletter.

With your list of transactional keywords, you'll be able to create content that gets people to your site using specific PPC add campaigns that encourage click throughs and conversions.

You'll also be able to encourage user generated content on social media platforms by asking your audience to do something transactional such as “Share your weight loss plans” and incorporate a hashtag into it, too.

Seasonal Keywords

Seasonal keywords may not seem applicable, but almost every brand tries to include some sort of seasonal discounts or experience for their users – especially online. They may not use all of the seasonal or holiday themes, but when it’s a good fit, it can deliver good will and a positive user experience.

AI can help you uncover seasonal phrases that work best for your niche topic. Sometimes, people are looking for information directly related to a season, holiday or event.

When prompting AI, you might ask for it to focus on seasonal trends and forecasting/predictions, on what your competitors have done with this focus in the past, and an incorporation of a seasonal event calendar for future planning.

For instance, you might prompt AI like this: “Create a list of seasonal keywords related to online marketing for Black Friday deals.” You’ll get a list of phrases that are more geared toward the marketer looking up Black Friday marketing strategies, so let’s redirect AI in this instance.

We can re-prompt it like this: “I want phrases people would be using when looking for Black Friday deals in online marketing, such as a deal on a keyword tool or PLR.” Now we get something we could use in our marketing to an audience of fellow marketers – such as: Black Friday SEO tool discounts, PLR content deals for Black Friday, SEO plugin deals on Black Friday, etc.

For the health niche, you might prompt AI like this: “Generate a list of seasonal keywords that have to do with seasonal weight loss trends.” You will get specific phrases as a result such as: summer weight loss tips, holiday season diet plans, New Year's weight loss resolutions, bikini body workouts for summer, and Springtime detox diets.

When you have your list of the seasonal keywords you want to use, create a social media campaign for these phrases to build excitement about them. This would also be great for blog content or multimedia content like Pinterest or Instagram.

Product and Brand Keywords

Product and brand keywords can sometimes be generic or specific to one particular company. The people using these types of keywords already know what type of product or specific brand they are interested in, so you have already passed the awareness stage and are moving into a phase where they are considering a purchase.

Product keywords might include the product name, some sort of feature that it has, or branded terms that may or may not be meant specifically for a purchase of that the brand's products – meaning, they may want something similar.

If you are prompting AI for this type of keyword search, you can give it your own products and brand information, or that of one of your competitors. You can have it take into consideration how consumers search before making a purchase, and conduct a data analysis to see which brands or products get the most engagement and conversions in general.

You might prompt AI like this: “Give me a list of half product and half brand name keywords for online marketing tools.” You’ll get results like this: Keyword research with SEMRush, MOZ SEO analytics, Ahrefs backlink checker, keyword research tool, SEO analytics software, backlink analysis tool, and so on.

For the health niche, you might prompt AI like this: “Provide me with a list of 10 product keywords and 10 brand keywords that are related to fitness trackers.” The results for this will be things like: fitness tracker watch, heart rate monitor device, step counter wristband, Apple Watch fitness, Fitbit fitness tracker, and Samsung fitness wearable.

You can use these in your affiliate product reviews whenever you are comparing certain products to other brands, you can use it in paid ad campaigns, and if you are talking about a brand that you are promoting or your own products and services, you can use it in your email marketing subject lines as well.

Competitor Keywords

Artificial intelligence tools often have the ability to conduct a competitive analysis, uncovering keywords and phrases that are being used by your competitors so that they can achieve better SEO results.

There is nothing unethical about looking at what the competition is doing and seeing how you can do it even better. You can bet that your competitors are going to be analyzing your strategy for their own benefit, too.

When you are prompting AI for competitor keywords, you can have it look up things like brand names and product names, service terms if you offer services, and other details like an analysis of their social media platforms, a content gap analysis and more.

If you are prompting AI in the online marketing niche, you might write: “Identify competitor keywords for companies specializing in SEO services And include terms like tools, pricing, and features.”

There are some tools that are going to go harvest this information directly from your competitors’ websites. But regular tools like ChatGPT are going to be more generic with their results, and give you answers such as: SEO services pricing, competitor analysis tools, content marketing strategies, or SEO packages and pricing.

If you are in the health niche, you might prompt AI like this: “Generate a list of competitor keywords for fitness apps. These should include keywords associated with top competing fitness apps like MyFitnessPal.”

The results you will get will be a mix of that specific competitor brand name, and more generic phrases like this: fitness app comparison, MyFitnessPal alternatives, weight loss apps like MyFitnessPal, and so on.

When you've gathered your competitor keywords, you want to begin using them in your blog SEO strategy so that you can start building up momentum to outrank your competitors with the same keyword strategy.

Comparison Keywords

Comparison keywords are popular with consumers online because they like to shop around and get different information before coming to a purchasing decision. They might be gaining information that doesn’t just help them choose between brands, but between product types or even purposes.

Wording you’ll want your prompt output to include for comparison keywords are: versus/vs, alternative to, difference between, and best. This wording tells people you’ll be leading them to the right decision.

Your prompts might ask AI to compare your products to a competitor’s, top products among a variety of brands, comparison of features, price points, and so on. You might prompt AI like this: “Give me a list of comparison keywords for online marketing strategies.”

The results will be things like: SEO vs. PPC marketing, content marketing versus social media, what is the best email marketing platform, and what is the difference between social marketing and influencer marketing?

For the health niche, you might prompt like this: “Generate a list of comparison keywords using terminology like vs or versus, compare, alternative to, and so on in the health niche related to diet plans.”

These results will be things like: keto diet versus paleo diet, alternative to the Low FODMAP diet, compare the Nordic diet and Okinawa diet, or what's the difference between a plant based diet and vegan diet?

When you have the results of your comparison keyword prompt, you can use these for high-ranking pillar blog posts that take a deep dive into the comparison between two different products.

These also work very well in video marketing on platforms like YouTube, where consumers like to see and hear about the differences between two different products or brands.

Question Keywords

Question keywords are a branch of a type of informational keyword. It's a very specific way consumers will search for information they need in order to learn something or find a solution to their problems.

These questions usually start with words like who, what, when, where, why, and how. This ignites a conversational search, and it is even more prevalent for those who are using voice activated search with tools like Amazon’s Alexa or Siri.

When you are gathering question keywords using AI tools, you want to specify that this is the type of keyword phrase you want it to generate. You can ask for common questions that are posed by your target audience about your niche or products.

You may even want to specify to AI that you are looking for voice search optimization keywords for your niche. Or, have it look on forums and social media platforms to see what questions people are asking in your industry.

You might prompt AI like this: “Give me a list of question keywords that are commonly asked by online entrepreneurs when they are looking for information as an affiliate marketer.”

The answers it returns to you include things like: what are the best affiliate programs, how does affiliate marketing work, how do I track affiliate sales and commissions, and what are the best social media platforms for affiliate marketing?

For the health niche, you can prompt it like this: “Generate a list of question keywords related to allergies.” These results might be things like: What are common allergy symptoms, what causes seasonal allergies, how do food allergies develop, and how do I treat allergies naturally at home?

Question keywords are best used for SEO purposes in your blog content. You may be able to secure a featured snippet position on Google if you create a blog post that is comprehensive and formatted in a list of relevant answers.

It's also good to use these whenever you have a product listing online. People often look at the FAQ  (frequently asked questions) area to get answers to their common questions before they make a purchase and convert into a buyer.

Synonym Keywords

Synonym keywords are those that provide you with a list of alternative wording people may use to search for the same thing. You never want to stuff keywords into your content too many times, and synonyms provide you with the ability to say the same thing, only different.

People have different ways of talking and writing, so it makes sense to use synonyms. You’ll want to let AI know what kind of synonyms you’re looking for – is it for your primary keyword, secondary keywords, short-tail keywords, or something else?

So you might prompt AI like this: “Create a list of synonym keywords for the phrase digital marketing. Focus on synonymous terms.” You’ll get results like online marketing, Internet marketing, web marketing, cyber marketing, e-marketing, and more.

For the health niche, you might prompt: “Give me a list of synonym keywords for the word exercise that people are using on Instagram.” This results in wording like: workout, sweat session, get fit, physical training, fitness routine, and so on.

Synonym keywords often come in handy when seeking a domain URL if the one you had your heart set on was already taken. Instead of having to resort to a different extension, you can keep a dot com URL, with a similar synonym-based name.

They’re also great to use as social media hashtags because it ensures your content will be among those discovered whenever someone searches for the topic in a slightly different way.

Negative Keywords

While you definitely want to use AI to gather all of the best keywords to use in your online business there’s one specific list you need that helps you exclude people. These are known as negative keywords.

There’s one very specific place you want to use these – in paid advertising. If you’re paying for ads to be shown to people interested in an SEO course, you don’t want to pay to have it shown to someone specifically searching for a free SEO course.

You can have AI gather keywords that might trigger your ad to be shown, but have a low likelihood of converting into a sale. Some AI tools can analyze other PPC ad campaigns to help them gather a correct list.

Prompt AI like this: “Suggest a list of negative keywords I can use when promoting a high-end SEO course. I want to exclude freebie seekers and DIY people as well as newbies.”

The results of this prompt will be things like: free SEO courses, basic SEO guide, learn SEO online free, free SEO webinars, SEO starter guide, SEO for bloggers, SEO tutorials, and more.

For the health niche, you might prompt AI like this: “Provide me with a list of negative keywords for an ad promoting health supplements.” These results will include things like: natural remedies, homemade vitamins, and home health treatments.

When the list is complete, make sure you incorporate them into your ad settings so that your ads have improved relevancy and attract more qualified leads to your offers. This saves your budget.

It can also be used in some ways when you’re engaged in email marketing and segmenting people according to what they’re looking for. If you have a list of people interested in courses, one group might be high-end coaching client material, while the other only wants low-ticket reports.

B2B Keywords

B2B keywords mean business to business, and these are perfect for uncovering the needs of business owners and small businesses. If you’re a marketer who caters to businesses and their owners, or professionals in general, you need to have AI help you generate a list of B2B keywords.

For this, you’ll prompt AI with industry language and terminology it may need to know. You might prompt AI like this: “Make a list of B2B keywords that I can use as a company targeting small business owners who need help with local SEO.”

The results will be things like: local SEO services for small businesses, affordable SEO for local businesses, local SEO packages for businesses, small business local search ranking, etc.

For the health niche, you might prompt something like this: “Provide a list of B2B keywords in the health niche for people looking for healthcare management software.” These results might be: healthcare management software solutions, medical practice management software, electronic health records software, patient management software for clinics, and so on.

You can use B2B keywords in your paid ads as well as the SEO you’re using on your site to attract organic traffic. Using them in other media formats like video marketing or podcast episodes is smart, too.

B2C Keywords

While B2B keywords focus on businesses, B2C keywords are built upon searches from customers or consumers. These are the words and phrases used by consumers that incorporate their needs, emotions, and personal experiences.

For this, you can prompt AI to include consumer behavior and search patterns, using emotional language that resonates with your core audience. This helps you uncover what appeals most to them.

You might prompt AI like this: “Give me a list of B2C keywords for a brand selling an affiliate marketing course to consumers. Make sure it includes their needs, their emotions and personal experiences.”

These results might include: financial freedom through affiliate marketing, escape the 9-5 grind, transform your life with affiliate marketing, achieve financial independence, quit your day job with affiliate marketing, and start a side hustle from home.

For the health niche, you might prompt like this: “Give me a list of B2C keywords for a company that sells an app for nutritional wellness. Make sure it includes their needs, their emotions and personal experiences.”

If you didn’t include that second sentence, your results would be generic like this: healthy lifestyle app, meal prep planner app, or nutritional goals tracking. But with the added elements, you get results like: personalized nutrition app, achieve weight loss goals with app, etc.

Once you have your B2C keywords, start using them in your online marketing. Build info products around the concepts, create emails that have subject lines touting the emotional tone, and promote products that meet their needs as an affiliate who caters to their problems with the best solutions.

Attribute Keywords

Lastly, let’s take a look at attribute keywords. These are phrases based on a specific characteristic or feature of a product or service you might be offering. The details matter to most consumers, so if they’re looking for a shoe, for example, they’ll include the style, size, color and so on.

They do this with many products online, and knowing what attributes they incorporate into their search can help you dominate over your competitors. Think about the functionality of elements of your products and services and work these into the prompt if possible.

So you might prompt AI like this: “Make a list of attribute keywords for a private label rights bundle of content.” The results include things like: high quality PLR content, exclusive PLR bundle, editable PLR templates, unrestricted PLR access, and full rights PLR articles.

In the health niche, you might prompt AI like this: “List a set of attribute keywords for a diabetes blood sugar monitor.” These results could be things like: easy to use diabetes monitor, accurate blood sugar readings, large and clear display, clinically proven accuracy, and FDA approved diabetes monitor.

With the attribute keywords listed for you, begin using them in your product listings, your PPC campaigns, social media and more. With paid ads, it helps filter out your ad from being shown to people who want something other than what you have to offer and instead show it to those in the market for what you sell.

As you can see, there is some slight overlap whenever you are looking up keywords. But you still want to go through all 20 types of AI keyword research because you will always uncover a slight variety of phrases that could help you tip the scales in your favor when it comes to beating the competition for rankings on Google or in simply being discovered by your target audience.

Keywords aren't just used for search engine optimization or discoverability on social media platforms. It's a great way to give you insight into the mind of your prospective consumers so that you can tailor your content to their needs.

You'll be able to pinpoint their struggles and develop info products and courses that teach them how to find the solutions they need. You'll be able to recommend products as an affiliate marketer that are more suited to their personal preferences.

They will begin to view you as the top leader in your niche because you are leveraging artificial intelligence tools to shine a light on keywords and phrases that you may not have considered if you were just brainstorming on your own.

Marketers are usually pretty pressed for time and don't have hours upon hours to spend conducting detailed keyword research on their own. Plus, it's harder for humans to spot patterns and predict trends based on past information than it is for a robotic element to quickly sort through in a matter of seconds.

Keyword research is something you'll be doing on an ongoing basis. So it is wise to master AI tools in conjunction with this task so that you can quickly and easily check it off of your to do list each time the need arises.

RecommendationPrompt Engine ProThe ONLY App you need to create an Ever-Growing Steady Income for yourself by harnessing the power of AI

I appreciate hearing from you. Let me know if you ever have any questions.

Fred Raley
The Submarine Guy