Fred "The Submarine Guy" Raley
You’ve been told repeatedly that the money is the list.
That is true.
However, far too many business owners struggle with this concept.
Have you been struggling to build a list that converts into sales?
Or maybe you've tried and couldn't even build a list?
Either way - you can do it if you're willing to take the time to follow this blueprint.
I must warn you though - while it can send you a flood of highly targeted buyer quality traffic, it does take some work.
But if you're the 1% of action takers then this is for you.
You’ll learn a specific strategy that is often untapped because people don’t want to take action.
Allow me to introduce to you...
"Building Your Buyers List"

This step-by-step video course will take you behind the scenes to help you understand how to build a higher converting list by leveraging other people’s lists."
Here's exactly what you'll get inside the course:
"Building Your Buyers List"

Here's A List Of The Videos:
- Video #1: Introduction & Quick Overview
- Video #2: Different Types of Customer Lists
- Video #3: Highest Converting List and How This Works
- Video #4: Formula for High Value TY Offers
- Video #5: Finding Vendors to Piggyback On
- Video #6: Vendor and Buyer Analysis
- Video #7: Creating Quality TY Offers
- Video #8: Building List #1: Vendors
- Video #9: Building List #2: Affiliates
- Audio #1:
A Millionaire's Webinar on getting
your 1,000 Buyers for lifetime income

Complete MP3 Audio Series!
"Building Your Buyers List"
 Get the MP3 Audio version of the entire
"Building Your Buyers List"
course just for taking action today!
A Millionaires Webinar on getting your 1,000
Buyers for lifetime income as mentioned above.
Powerful way to get retirement income going for you. |
Does that sound good or what?
Build Your Buyers List For 30 Days Risk Free!

You can own Building Your Buyers List together with the bonuses for a mere $14.00.
That is a truly incredible deal, especially considering the significant difference it'll make to your success.
Did I mention this entire video course is only $14.00? It’s definitely a point worth
repeating. You will be hard-pressed to find a more valuable resource.
I'm delighted to have the chance to share this powerful system with you, and I know you’ll be very happy with the results.
Again, you will receive the comprehensive and valuable insights you need to finally achieve results for only $14.00.
Please click the Add To Cart button right now and take ownership of this valuable List Building Training System TODAY!
When you get INSTANT ACCESS to Building Your Buyers List you can begin using what you learn in the videos and get results as soon as TODAY!
Here’s how to get started…
1.) Simply click the button below
2.) Enter your information
3.) Within seconds of processing your order, you get instant access to the entire 9 Part Video Course...
4.) and bonus #1:
A Millionaire's Webinar on getting your 1,000 Buyers
for lifetime income

Grab this video course today and access it immediately after your purchase. No waiting in line, and even if it is 4am in the morning. You’ll have instant access to this course in no time at all!
Get Instant Access Right Now!
Yes! I want instant access to Build Your Buyers List which includes the following:
- Main Course: 9 Part Video Training Course
- Fast Action Bonus: Complete MP3 Audio Course
- Surprise bonus:
A Millionaires Webinar on getting your 1,000
Buyers for lifetime income
Regular Price: $28.00
Today Only: $14.00!

To Your Success,
Fred "The
Submarine Guy" Raley
- Watch this video course immediately after payment - there's absolutely no waiting!
- Does your business look like a ghost town? Unless you take drastic action right now, nothing is going to change. Don’t wait any longer! |