The 5-Day Keyword AI Challenge

The 5-Day Keyword AI Challenge

As an online entrepreneur, you know that your career is a finely-tuned mix of ideas, technical prowess and strategy. You don’t just pick topics for your blog out of thin air, for example – you do some research to see what your audience is looking for.

Many of your decisions and even your ability to compete will be based on the use of keywords, a task some marketers either don’t know how to do at all or do wrong because they barely scratch the surface of what’s available to them.

Artificial intelligence (AI) tools like ChatGPT, Google’s Bard and other technology can serve your needs well in this area, but you have to know the best way to get what you want from it.

Keywords aren’t only for ranking blog posts. They’re for use in social media, in guiding your overall strategy for positioning yourself as a niche leader, in helping to monetize your business and more.

In the following pages, you’re going to discover a series of tasks you can spread out over the course of five work days, starting with an overall understanding of prying the right keywords from ChatGPT and then using it in a variety of ways in your business.

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Step 1: Understanding the Requirements of Custom ChatGPT Store Creations

For now, OpenAI requires you to have a ChatGPT Plus account in order to create your own custom GPTs. With a subscription plan to ChatGPT Plus, which costs $20 a month, you not only get to access the technology ahead of non-paying users during peak times, but the system responds faster.

Whenever they have new features and improvements in beta mode, you’ll get access to those before the general public, too. Basically, you’re paying to be a priority and to use features others can’t.

You can also consider the ChatGPT Enterprise level of subscription if you want to go even higher, and with this you not only get to create custom GPTs, but you get unlimited high-speed access to GPT-4 along with four times the output length.

However, this is not a necessity. After you sign up for ChatGPT Plus, you’ll want to go over the usage policies and brand guidelines. If your custom GPT is not in compliance with those, your GPT likely won’t be included in the GPT store, which is where you need it to be in order to generate leads.

In addition to not allowing anything illegal, unsavory or scammy, you also have to include disclaimers if you’re using it in certain niches like medical, financial or legal. You’ll want to read through the guidelines carefully if you plan to use developer plugins, too.

For branding, they do give you access to an OpenAI badge you can use that says Powered by OpenAI. They’re also very specific on how you can brand your GPT using their name.

For example, you can say: [GPT Name] powered by OpenAI but you can’t say [GPT Name by OpenAI]. Those have two very different meanings, so go over the details of usage and branding before beginning so that you understand what could prevent your custom GPT from being in the marketplace.

Step 2: The Buyer Keywords Affiliate AI Task

Now that you’ve learned the basics of how to get ChatGPT or other AI tools to begin cultivating a keyword list for you, it’s time to see how they can be utilized in your business – but not where you’re left on your own to figure it out.

ChatGPT is a great tool for taking keywords and immersing them into your business strategy as long as you give it insight about what you need it for. Today, we’re going to cover affiliate marketing, because even if that isn’t your primary business (and it is for many), you still probably recommend things from time to time and wouldn’t mind earning a commission from it.

Keywords in the affiliate marketing are very important because it shows you exactly what people want to spend money on. The buyer intention is spelled out for you, and ChatGPT can help you uncover the precise words and phrases that do this.

With affiliate keyword phrases, you’ll be having ChatGPT show you the navigational, commercial, informational and transactional keywords for your niche so that you can use them to select products to review and also create content for products you already know you want to review.

Informational keyword phrases might include words like how to, tips or best practices. Commercial keyword phrases could include words like reviews, top, or best. The transactional keywords will have specific buyer wording like buy, purchase, order, etc. And the navigational keyword phrases might include the brand name, wording like official site or online store.

So you can ask ChatGPT for a list of these types of keywords phrases like this: “Give me a list of informational, commercial, transactional and navigational keyword phrases for me to use in a product review for dog grooming supplies or a specific supply like a dog grooming brush.”

You would get keywords like this:

Informational: how to choose a dog grooming brush, tips for grooming your dog at home

Commercial: top dog grooming brushes, dog grooming brush reviews

Transactional: buy dog grooming brush online, dog grooming brush discounts

Navigational: [Brand name] dog grooming brush review, dog grooming brush online store

When you see certain words, it can also define the demographic in the marketplace that you’re targeting – and you can have ChatGPT do more of the same. For example, with dog grooming, they’re looking for at home, DIY tools – not services.

The same can be said for home gym equipment. Anytime you have other modifiers you can use in the request with ChatGPT to help it narrow down your audience demographics, that will be beneficial.

You might ask for keyword phrases based on gender, budget, geographic location, experience level (beginner/advanced), and other identifying information. Now how can ChatGPT (once it delivers the best keywords for ranking and conversions) help you use the words and phrases in your affiliate reviews?

The first thing it will do is ensure that you’re using the primary keywords you’re targeting in your product review title as well as in other strategic areas such as sub-headings and throughout the body of the content, in alt image tags, meta data and more.

ChatGPT can help you structure your overall review so that you’re using the keywords in a logical hierarchy, but naturally so that the piece doesn’t read awkwardly or unnatural.

You can give ChatGPT the exact list of primary, secondary and semantic keywords you want to use based on what it brainstormed for you after you cherry pick the right ones, and it can devise the entire review for you.

It helps to feed ChatGPT the product specifications. For example, if you’re reviewing an Amazon product, you can copy and paste the details into it (or see if you’re using a level that can access the page directly) and it can create a review based on what the brand says about the product.

You can even copy and paste many of the consumer product reviews into it so that it can summarize the pros and cons. This is something even Amazon is doing if you look at the review area – the top one is an AI summary of the reviews people have given the product.

You will get a content piece that is laid out in a well-organized manner, and it will culminate with a strong call to action likely using a transactional keyword phrase about a discount, savings, or instructions to buy.

Your task today is to first select a type of product you want ChatGPT to help you with (or even start out by telling it your niche and have it advise you of what your audience wants).

Then get the primary, secondary and semantic list of keywords that are informational, commercial, transactional and navigational. Select the ones you want to target and prompt AI to “Create an in-depth product review using the keyword list below so that it’s optimized for Google for [primary keyword phrase]. I have included a link (or details) to the product as well).”

It’s your responsibility to make sure ChatGPT is accurately writing about the product, so you need to double check the output before publishing it. You can redirect it to expand on certain points, compare it to other products, etc. if it’s not giving you enough in some areas of the review.

10,000+ Pre-Engineered Prompts

Day 3: The Blog Post SEO AI Keyword Task

We’re moving on now to how most online entrepreneurs use artificial intelligence for keyword optimization – their blog. If you’re a proficient blogger (or want to be), you need to optimize every post for performance.  Grab your blog (and all AI-Enabled marketing tools) here.  You won't be sorry.

Using the same instructions on day 1 where you have ChatGPT give you a list of primary, secondary and semantic keywords that are short, mid-length and long-tail, you’re going to now have AI work to create or optimize an existing blog post to rank well in the SERPs.

If you have poor-ranking blog posts, AI can retrofit your blog with keywords and content that will be appreciated by search bots and humans alike. But many marketers like to have it build from scratch using long-form content that serves as a stellar resource their audience will enjoy.

The first thing, after you’ve selected your keywords from the day 1 exercise and identified the ones you want to rank for, is to share that list with ChatGPT with a prompt such as: “Provide a blog outline targeting the primary, secondary and semantic keyword listed below. Give me a keyword-optimized title and ensure the topic will be covered thoroughly with an introduction, body and conclusion.”

Once it delivers an outline, you can evaluate it to see if there’s anything that needs to be added or eliminated before moving forward. See if ChatGPT has included keyword phrases in the subheading titles of the outline and if not, re-prompt it like this: “Redo the outline to ensure keyword phrases are included in the subheading titles.”

When the outline is complete, you can prompt AI to create a draft of the blog post so that it’s optimized and engaging for readers. Prompt it like this: “Based on the final outline, create a draft of the blog post that is fully optimized and integrates the keywords naturally.”

This is just the beginning stages of how AI is going to leverage the keywords for SEO (search engine optimization) on your blog. You can take it further by prompting AI for the technical on-page SEO as well as the external and interlinking strategy you’ll use.

Prompt AI like this: “Now that the draft is finalized, using the keywords I’ve directed you to use, create a meta description for the post and give suggestions about where and how to create an internal and external link strategy with the best anchor text to use. Also give me the alt image tag for the graphic showing [details].”

ChatGPT may ask for details about other pages you have on your blog but by the time all of this is finished, you should have a comprehensive, optimized blog post that can be competitive.

There are also some AI tools that can conduct a competitive analysis on those whose content you’re trying to outrank to show you exactly how you can achieve that goal based on what they are (and aren’t) doing correctly with their own SEO strategy.

Your task today is to look back on your initial keyword list and select a phrase you want AI to help you rank for. Go through the prompt process above to have it develop (or improve) a blog post that can rank and then track the results of its performance.

Over time, revisit the blog post and run it through AI asking for a strategy to update it for current SEO. That might be targeting a new keyword phrase, updating the information, or optimizing it for something like voice keyword phrases being used.

10,000+ Pre-Engineered Prompts

Day 4: The AI-Discovered Keywords for Social Media Task

On the next to the last day of this challenge, you are going to see how effective AI tools like ChatGPT can be for helping your content get discovered through the used of keywords and hashtags on social media platforms.

Whether you’re creating videos for YouTube and TikTok, graphics posts for Instagram or Pinterest, or something else, AI can leverage its social listening skills and resources to help you plan an effective campaign that gets founds and interacted with by your target audience.

The great thing about AI tools is that they can differentiate between keywords being used on one platform versus another. They have unique audiences, so even with video, the people searching on YouTube might use different wording than those on TikTok.

There are several ways you can use ChatGPT to help you get found on social media with keywords and hashtags. The first is to ask for help devising a keyword strategy for your niche on a specific platform.

A prompt for this might be something like, “I need a keyword strategy to help me create engaging content in the dog grooming niche – one for TikTok and one for YouTube.” AI can help you map out a plan that includes different aspects of your strategy.

For TikTok: It tells you to go after trending keywords and hashtags and to target short, catchy keywords. It says we should have descriptions and overlays using the keywords in the text and try to find any audio that also uses the same or similar keyword phrase.

For YouTube: It tells you to find keyword phrases that have less competition (long-tail) and use those in the video title, description and playlist. It emphasizes an approach on educational or how to content. It also tells you to use captions and subtitles that incorporate the keyword phrases and to employ the use of video tags using the words so it can be discovered easier.

Decide on what you want to use as your keyword phrase and where you want to be discovered then prompt AI for a plan like this: “Give me a specific keyword strategy to use on YouTube if I want to create content for the phrase “tips for grooming your dog at home.”

ChatGPT will create a title using that phrase like this: 5 Essential Tips for Grooming Your Dog at Home – Easy & Safe Techniques.” Then it gives you a list of secondary phrases to include in the content that include dog grooming at home, DIY dog grooming, home dog grooming techniques, and how to groom a dog.

It writes an example video description using the primary phrase and turns other phrases into hashtags you can include like #HomeDogCare, #DIYPetGrooming, and #DogGrooming.

It advises us about the content of the video for ranking purposes, like selecting the right tools, safety tips, and a step-by-step process. If you want to, you can redirect AI to map out the entire script like this: “Create a storyboard and script using these keyword phrases strategically.”

It tells you to upload custom subtitles that include your keywords, because YouTube indexes them for search purposes. It even helps you with using a call to action that includes a keyword phrase, like: “Share your dog grooming tips in the comments below.”

From there, AI is going to help you optimize the main file and thumbnail of your video with the file name and text that can grab someone’s attention with the right keyword. It also covers interlinking and cross-promoting other videos you’ve made about similar topics.

This is just one platform example. And you can have ChatGPT write the entire video script that you record or even hand over to a video AI tool or freelancer if you want a slideshow or animated video production.

ChatGPT can develop a cross-platform strategy that targets the same primary keyword phrase across multiple social media platforms all at once using a variety of media formats.

Today, your task is to think about which platform(s) you’d like help getting more traction. Ask ChatGPT for an overall plan based on a primary keyword of your choosing. Then go through the steps to have it map out (or create) content for it and give you details for the strategic and technical aspect of using the keywords and hashtags for the platform.

If there’s more than one platform you want to get discovered on, ask for a cross-platform strategy to go with it so that you have multi media content that’s all optimized for your keyword of choice.

Step 5 will be here tomorrow

I appreciate hearing from you. Let me know if you ever have any questions.

Fred Raley
The Submarine Guy