Here's your delivery package

One: 10 free affiliate traffic methods (Right click to download the zip file.  Unzip for personal use.  Save the zip file to send to your new customers.)  Once you start using these you will see why I'm so excited about it.  And you can now help others see the light on getting more leads with these simple processes.  As a result, you will be put up on a pedestal as an expert in the realm of traffic, leads and sales.  CONGRATULATIONS.

Two: Your MRR (Master Resale Rights)   Keep this in your back pocket in case you ever get challenged.  It's your document that shows I have this right and the right to transfer this over to you for your payment.

Three: I almost forgot!  My Bonus Package

  1. Eight (yes, count 'em 8) professional graphics to go with your marketing efforts.
  2. 10, yes TEN Audios to go with the videos so you can listen to them on the road, at work or whenever you can't access your videos. (No one else is doing this… I made these myself!) Great way to get them in your brain to keep those extra leads coming in!
  3. Also, a set of 7 customized emails for marketing this very package.  Import sharing code for Aweber campaign is b118026c-f4d4-4a30-84f4-a44a2ec78e3f  You will need to customize the letters obviously with your name/personal info/links/etc.  Won't take too long.
  4. Two packages of emails (one 50 and one 950+ long) to put into your long term marketing system.  These are great for long term profits for this or any other affiliate business you want to market.  Easy to do slight mods to make them YOURS for extra profits.
  5. And two surprise giveaways to set you up like a pro!  
    1. AI Human Writing Machine Download LinkA free download from my buddy Mark Hess.

    2. Persona AI Download LinkAnother free download from my buddy Mark Hess.